Kapallorek Art Space

Archeologists suggest that the beginnings of human civilisation are marked by the discovery of cave paintings. Through the evidence of such paintings using shapes resembling humans and animals, they have made the assumption that people in the stone age lived their lives by hunting and sitting in caves.

For Pera+Flora+Fauna, Kapallorek presented an installation of cave drawings and a video work in collaboration with Orang Asli community organiser, Ronnie Bahari.
‘Karoog Kiha Nyep’ is a video documentary concerning cave paintings and indigenous communities in Malaysia. It carefully records the information (both paintings and wall surfaces) related to cave paintings recently discovered by local archeologists in the Perak state, in the Kinta Valley in north peninsular Malaysia, believed to date back thousands of years, preserving these important artifacts for future generations.

Kapallorek is an independent art space formed in 2014. Founded by Fadly Sabran and based in Seri Iskandar, Perak, Malaysia. It operates as a non-profit organization that serves alternative platforms for Emerging New Media Artist, Inter-Disciplinary Arts, Experimental Artists & Researcher. This is done by having exhibitions, workshops, performance art, and dialogue & sharing sessions regarding their creative practice with the local communities. Kapallorek also strives to have collaborative exchange with regional and international art practitioners and arts spaces.