Chamber of Public Secrets


WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS TRUE that adoption is not synonymous with mercy but rather dehumanizing thousands of individuals?

WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS TRUE the danification of adopted children is not integration but insistence of emptying a container that cannot be emptied?

WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS TRUE that outer appearance is like a container that can be one color on the outside, another on the inside?

WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS TRUE that this container is converted by adoption?

WOULD YOU ACCEPT AS TRUE that the container is not even merely half empty when it is received, nor will it ever be full?

Or would you accept as true that what you are about to see is not part of this conversation but rather a representative of adoptees in general?

Meeting artist Jane Jin Kaisen. Conversation on Korean child adoption in Denmark.

Concept by Khaled D. Ramadan and Jane Jin Kaisen.
Documentary. Duration 20 min.

Produced for Minority Report 2004